Open House at Echo Audio in Portland OR!

First of all, Kudos to Kurt Doslu for putting on a fantastic open house at Echo Audio in Portland: Echo Audio1015 SW Washington St. Portland OR 97205888.248.ECHO (3246) or 503.223.2292  /  Email Portland is a wonderful city, with culture, character and MUSIC!  From the symphony at Arlene Schnitzer Concert hall to fresh music…

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And so it begins…

As I sIt on the front porch and watch the mist clear as the sun rises, it’s 5AM in sleepy Amboy WA and I realized that summer is truly with us. For me this means less rain, more outside work on the property and a busy travel schedule.  HK, Shanghai, Vietnam, L.A. and Denver lay…

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I believe that Dan Wright has really “hit the ball out of the park” with his new KWI 200 Integrated Amplifier. Because of its build quality, handsome, physical appearance along with its beautiful rendering of the music’s timbres, warmth and details without losing its punch or macro-dynamics, I would classify the KWI 200 as one of the best integrated amps on the market today, regardless of price. I would strongly recommend to put this on your audition list if your think you are in the process of selecting an integrated amp for your system.

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