OPPO UDP-205 Modification
Please note – This product is no longer available. For informational purposes only.

Please note – This product is no longer available. For informational purposes only.
Tube Modification for the Oppo UDP-205 4K Universal Player and DSD DAC!
Price: $2495 (Modification Only)
Tube mod includes:
- Total redesign and replacement of op-amp based stock analog stage with a fully balanced, pure Class A, tube/transformer coupled analog stage (6922 driver tubes).
- External PS 9.0 v. 10 with tube rectifier (5AR4, GZ34, 5R4GYS 5U4, 5V4 and equivalents).
- Truth umbilical of our own design.
- Highest Quality resistors in key signal path applications.
- All MWI M-type capacitors in signal path.
- External supply available with optional hole to allow for use of taller, larger diameter tubes other than 5AR4/GZ34 (just ask).
Optional Upgrades:
- The Pulse Gen ZX operates on the principle of noise absorption in the space surrounding the internal power supply within the player.
- It simply it adds more dynamic and detail, due to a further lowering of the noise floor.
- The Pulse Gen ZX upgrade option is $400.
- For more information: www.audio-magic.com/Prod-PulseGenZX.html
- The Region Free upgrade will allow you to play multi-region discs. The Oppo UDP-205 currently only plays Region 1 discs for North America.
- The cost is an additional $150 if installed along with the tube modification.
- If ordered as a standalone upgrade or after the tube mod has been installed, the cost is $225.
Dan Wrights Thoughts:
The UDP-205 has fabulous technology and connectivity, including all current DSD decoding abilities. In stock form, I found it very revealing, but a bit cold and clinical. With our new fully differential, transformer coupled analog stage (6922 based), I am VERY pleased. It is still revealing and open, but the sound stage is much bigger and the sound is more organic with none of the hard edge or glare of the stock unit. Importantly, I find the UDP-205 tube mod to be more resolving and dynamic than our past Oppo mods. I feel the UDP-205 to be among the best mod sound that we have ever produced.
Ordering Details:
Customer must supply the player and may have it drop-shipped to our address from retailer.
50% non-refundable deposit required to secure a firm start date. Work will be completed in no more than two weeks from start date. Remainder due, including shipping cost, upon completion of work.
Thank you,
Dan Wright
ModWright Instruments Inc.
Technical Specs
No specifications for this product