Oppo BDP-105 Tube mods – REALLY GLOWING NOW!
Updates on final design of Oppo 105 tube mods:
I have decided that the headphone section will remain stock. I may offer a headphone specific upgrade, but I am too concerned about creating TOO high of output levels and damaging headphones or ears! I did NOT find improvement by using these extra DACs in parallel with others for our tube stage.
Silver wire installed and WOW it sounds good! This is the 105 with tube mods that I am speaking of now!
My mod tech is going to work out the final mod board mounting and mechanical details over the weekend and the first unit will be complete next week. The list of those interested or waiting to order the 105 tube mods is long and growing!
I am also working on the 103 SS mods. I did NOT realize how much current the 5V supply draws, so I have had to order a bigger transformer for this and will be implementing updates to the SS mod design next week. What I do for the 103 SS mod will translate largely to the 105.
The 105 tube mods will be rolled out next week and the SS mods for 103 and 105 will follow next week.