On music and passion…

On music and passion…

In the hobby of high end audio, I believe that we often lose sight of what audio equipment is designed to do….to produce music as natural and accurately as possible.

Oddly enough (don’t laugh), this came to me as I was watching ‘The Voice’ on TV.  There was a singing competition between two contestants who were both good.  One guy had soul and passion in his voice.  His tone and presentation though, is what really moved me. You could feel the pain of his past and the strength of his soul in the present.  When he sang, you could see his soul.

Music has a power that transcends mere spoken word and connects to our heart and soul.  It is emotive and moving.  In our fast-paced world of technology, work demands and the fast pace of all that we do, we need to feed our souls.  For me, music is one way that I regain balanced in life.

I feel that it important, to take that bit of time, no matter how small, to step out of our routine of responsibilities and stress and escape to our own place of piece.  For me this is music.

When the equipment is right, we are able to simply relax and enjoy our music.  We close our eyes and the world falls away.  We are transcended to a different place.  We may be mourning the heartache of the soulful blues singer, or stepping back into Beethoven or Mozart’s time of regal beauty.  Or, we may be reaching back several decades to the rock concert that shook the world of our younger self.

Emotion, passion and release…from the reality of our daily life.  We are able to embrace the beauty of whatever genre of music we personally enjoy.  High-end audio equipment is the means by which we attain this connection….to the soul of the artist, the beauty of the music and the time or place that music takes us.

Don’t forget to take time from your busy life to escape into the music.  And, when you are listening to music through your carefully selected and tuned audio system, remember to just relax and let the music move you.

Dan Wright

President, ModWright Instruments Inc (MWI)

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