Happy New Year!


As we step through the door of time into the New Year 2013, I find myself looking back on 2012.  For me personally, and for most every person in the world I believe, 2012 was a very dynamic year, in both good and bad ways.

We faced storms, tragedies, a presidential election and avoided the ‘fiscal cliff’.  We lost a number of famous people in 2012, such as Dave Brubeck and Whitney Houston to name only two, that contributed to the music world.  We even survived the Mayan’s 12.21.12 date and all woke up the next morning to tell about it.

We grew as a country and as mankind, learned tough lessons and found inner strength and wisdom of which we were not aware existed.  I learned to slow down, spend more time with family, to laugh, smile and enjoy music more.  I found that by exercising, getting healthy and working a few less hours overall, I was more efficient and effective.  I learned to appreciate the finer things in life, such as music, good bourbon and the sweet and infectious giggle of my three year old daughter.  In short, I slowed down long enough to look around and realize just how much GOOD there is in my life and in the WORLD.

I believe that it is through struggle, failure and difficult times, that we LEARN and find inner strengths in ourselves.  I believe that our country is going through this right now.  We are seeing the struggles of many and the kindness and selflessness of others.  We are a resilient people, as mankind and as a nation.  We have all had to reach deep inside of ourselves to find the strengths to endure and succeed, moving forward STRONGER and with CONFIDENCE!

The new year represents a fresh start and a new attitude of strength and confidence.  As I become more healthy physically and in life-view I see the sun shine even brighter.

Last year we released the KWI 200 and the new Oppo 105 tube mod.  This year we will finalize the Oppo 103 mod and a SS mod for the Oppo 105.  I have other designs in the works, but nothing concrete and no firm release dates.  New products will be released when they are ready and I am confident that they are the best that they can be.  I am experimenting with transformer-coupled tube designs and we shall see what comes out of this.  I will follow my passion and my heart with regards to audio design in this year.

Here’s wishing everyone a Happy New Year and a bright and confident view of the new year ahead and the opportunities that it represents!


Dan Wright 

President, ModWright Instruments Inc (MWI)

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