SA8005 Mods Updates!

OK, updates!

1) PS 9.0 (Tube rectified and SS regulated) Vs. PS 9.9 (Tube rectified and regulated): The PS 9.0 offers the clearest window to the music and I believe suits the Marantz SA8005 the best!

2) Audio Magice Pulse Gen Zx Option: Installed with switch and tested in and out of circuit. Subtle but worthwhile improvement in resolution, detail and openness.  While the mod is on par with a component upgrade, the Audio Magic is on par with a cable upgrade.  Optional additional upgrade, recommended ($400).

3) Bybee rail option (1) installed at 5V supply to DAC. Clearly measures better and lower noise to DAC chip results in less jitter and better sound. Optional additional upgrade, recommended ($225). Like Audio Magic upgrade, subtle but audible, like a cable upgrade.

To be clear, when I say subtle but audible, I mean that you can hear the difference in an A/B.  The mod itself is like a component change or upgrade in that it is 100% obvious from the first notes that things are BETTER! This is what I feel you hear comparing the stock SA8005 to the ModWright tube modified SA8005.

Addition of the Audio Magic and Bybee Rail upgrades are worthwhile and audible.  Like changing cables, the improvement is there, just not always as obvious as a component upgrade.

The difference in power supplies is also fairly obvious to my ears.  Some may prefer the more romantic and tubey presentation of the PS 9.9 power supply and we can certainly supply the mod with that if desired.  Other mods have included this supply because, to my ears, the net synergy was best with this supply over the PS 9.0.  In this case, I feel that the best synergy is with the PS 9.0.

Units are coming in and the first will be done soon.  I have just about fully optimized every aspect of our first article and then the first units will begin rolling out.

Please note, we have TWO Early Customer discount slots available still, at 20% off of retail.

All of the first ten Early Customers will also have the option to return their units for any upgrades that are made in the future, at no cost to them (aside from shipping).  This is sort of a Beta Group and the benefits of discount pricing and future updating all apply.


Dan W.

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